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MAU News - September/October

Dear Parents,

We have had a great start to the year! The classes have settled in with our new students and staff and we are loving our new facility and all the opportunities it brings for our students. In this first month we have had our Back to School Night and the first meeting of the year for the Parent Teacher Committee (PTC). The PTC is already working on our Harvest Festival that will take place Saturday, October 26th. They have also organized our very first Community Night this Thursday at Shakey’s Pizza here in Upland. This Community Night is also a fundraiser with our school receiving 25% of all sales for purchases made between 5 and 9 PM with the flyer we provided. If you would like to be a part of this PTC group, their next meeting is Thursday, October 3rd. We hope to see you out this Thursday for food and fun at Shakey’s Pizza!

As discussed at Back to School Night, we have field trips coming up in October. Are you wanting to volunteer to chaperone? Please remember that every adult volunteer must have the proper paperwork submitted to the office to attend. All volunteers must have immunity to measles, pertussis, and the flu (or signed declination if you do not get the flu shot). Additionally, each volunteer must present with a negative TB test or chest x-ray within one year of first volunteering. In some classes there is limited availability for chaperones so we will be accepting volunteers on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please turn in your paperwork as soon as possible so that you are able to attend. Those who get the flu shot, please make sure you are scheduling your shot for this year if you have not done so already. We look forward to some wonderful Pumpkin Patch/Farm Trips this fall.

Each year I put on a few workshops to go over the Montessori philosophy, child development or other topics of interest to the MAU community. Our first Parent Education night will be Wednesday, October 2nd from 6:30 -7:30 PM. From feedback we received, I will be discussing Montessori in the Home again, but with the emphasis on Montessori “Homework” and how to bring positive discipline techniques utilized by our staff into your home. If you have certain scenarios you would like to have us go over, please forward those to me via email by this Friday, September 27th so I can have the most thoughtful and helpful responses for you. Please join us if you are interested in this topic. This is an open workshop, so any of your friends and family are welcome to attend as well.

Recently, we have had many parents ask about what happened to the Spring Sing DVD. We are happy to announce that we are reviewing the finished product now and will hopefully have copies out by the end of the week. Our videographer had her computer crash and spent months working on retrieving the data. Fortunately, she was able to get the footage back and then worked on completing our video. Thank you for your patience!

Last, but not least, Ms. Kellsie has left on maternity leave a little earlier than expected. As discussed at Back to School Night, Ms. Amanda has stepped into the role as head teacher until Ms. Kellsie returns after the birth of her child. It has been a luxury to have an assistant with a Montessori Teaching Credential and so we are grateful that she will be able to continue with the curriculum while Kellsie is out. We can’t wait to meet Aria!!!

Thank you for all your support! And we are looking forward to a great school year!

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