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August/September Newsletter

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,

We are excited to have you all back and look forward to another great year together. We have planned a full calendar of events this year and will have a Calendar of Events included in your Welcome Back Packet that will be handed out at Back to School Night. We will be having many fun and/or educational events which will be held both on campus and around the community. We will be also holding three Parent Nights; topics include: Bringing Montessori Into the Home Environment, the Montessori Language Curriculum, and the Montessori Mathematics Curriculum. Back to School Night will be on Wednesday, August 29, 2018 @ 6:30 PM. We will be providing childcare for those who need it.


We know that it is difficult for most of you to get time off and see your child in action at school. Please go to our Facebook and Instagram pages and check out the pictures and videos that we regularly of the children doing their work. You might wish to observe in your child’s classroom. It is better to schedule an in-class visit a few months into the school year when the classroom routine is established, and a visit will not be distracting to the children as they develop concentration. Your child’s teacher will talk to you more about ways to get involved in your child’s classroom at Back to School Night. You can sign up for a classroom observation with your child’s teacher or through our online system on our website.


A huge portion of our mission here at MAU is early literacy intervention. I can’t express how important it is for the children to be read to every day. As your child begins to read it’s important to encourage your child to read to you or on their own every day at home. To encourage this we like to offer the Scholastic Reading Club program which offers reasonable prices for books. For each purchase, we receive credits towards books that will go into your child’s classroom. Over time our books get worn and tattered and need to be replaced. It is also very exciting for the children to see new books in the environment and hear new stories. Books make great gifts and we will be having a book exchange during the holiday season. We have put this month’s catalogue in your child’s file, but you may also purchase online using the class code. Online you have access to all the different catalogues that Scholastic offers. Orders will be due on Friday, September 21, 2018.


We are going to start to collect Box Tops for Education again. Please go to for more information about participating products. We will be handing out collection sheets themed specifically for each month, but you may also just bring in the Box Tops without attaching them to the form. You can bring your Box Tops to the office or leave it with your child’s teacher. Each Box Top is worth $.10 and can help us reach our fundraising goals.


Both Ms. Kellsie’s and Ms. Shivika’s Children’s House Classrooms will be going to the LA County Fair on Friday, September 21, 2018. We will be departing via bus at 8:30AM. Children two and under will need to leave their car seat for the trip. Children 3 and older will not need to have a car seat but will be buckled with a lap belt provided on the bus. Parents wishing to Chaperone must have on file with the office: a current and valid Identification Card, a TB test (within one year of first volunteering), and proof of immunization against measles, pertussis and the flu (or sign a declination that you do not get the flu shot). There will be no acceptations to this policy so please get this information to the office at least one week prior to the field trip for consideration. Permission slips will be handed out two weeks before our trip.

We look forward to a wonderful school year!

Adam Thewes, Program Director

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