October Newsletter
Dear Parents,
We have had a great start to the school year. This past month we held our first in a series of Education Nights for parents to learn more about the Montessori Philosophy. Our first meeting discussed the Montessori Math Curriculum. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 11th @ 6:30 PM to discuss how to bring some Montessori principles into your home environment. Please let the office know if you intent on attending this event.
In September, we also held our first Community Night at Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in Upland. This was also a fundraiser for our Parent Teacher Committee and will go toward our classroom and outdoor projects as decided by the committee. We were glad to see so many families out and it was nice to get to spend time together outside of school.

Our next community event will be our Harvest Festival. Our Harvest Festival is always a community favorite and will take place on Saturday, October 21st from 3-7 PM. Tickets to the Harvest Festival will be available soon and are $5 per child and $10 per adult. Admission includes games, a raffle ticket, and dinner. We hope to see you there!
We will be going on a school outing on, Thursday, October 12th. The Infant and Toddler Class will be going to Orangewood Farm in Highland, while both Children’s House Classes will be going to Greenspot Farms in Mentone. Please see the flyer sent out for specific information regarding these trips. Please remember that in order to have good ratios on our trip, there will be no staff available at the center and so there is no childcare available if the children do not attend the outing. Please return your permission slips by Friday, October 6th.
We encourage parents to participate in school field trips and volunteer for classroom events. Volunteering gives the parents an opportunity to meet other parents within the MAU community along with exploring and observing the children interacting with their peers.

All chaperones must be 18 years old and are required to show proof of valid driver's license, proof of insurance (Driver’s Only), proof of immunizations against: Measles, Influenza (Flu Shot or declination), Pertussis (Whooping Cough), and TB Clearance.
Please start providing or updating the required documents now if you plan on volunteering this school year. If any information is not current it might result in your request to volunteer being denied without time to correct the issue. A flyer will be made available with field trip guidelines for parent volunteers and how you can assist the children while you go out with us.
Our school will be participating in the Great California Shakeout on October 19th at 10:19 AM. This is a statewide drill to prepare for an Earthquake emergency. Please check your Parent Handbook for more information about our Emergency Preparedness protocols and procedures.

On Wednesday, October 18th we will be having our school picture day. All students and staff will be pictured on this day whether you purchase a package or not for your child. Please have your child dressed and ready to take pictures. Please drop them off in their classroom and your child’s teacher will take them to get photographed. If you wish to order pictures, please return the envelope provided prior to Picture Day. Pictures cannot be ordered after Picture Day as the

photographer does not keep the photograph on file after processing our order.
We will end our month with Halloween Parties and Costume Parade on Tuesday, October 31st. Children’s House will be having a special snack on that day. The Infants and Toddlers will be having a special community lunch on that day. A signup sheet to contribute to the meals will go up the week before Halloween on each classrooms’ Information Center.
We are looking forward to a wonderful month!
Adam Thewes