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Montessori Academy is an independent, private, co-educational school for children 6 weeks through 6th grade, located in historic Upland, California. Founded in 2007, the Montessori Academy of Upland is a place where everything has been specifically prepared for children using the principles and methods of Dr. Maria Montessori. It is a community of children, their parents and their teachers, where the maturing child finds ever-widening opportunities to learn and grow. 

The Montessori approach is respectful of each child's unique talents, skills, and abilities. Our goal is to build skills far greater than what is expected in a traditional school setting in a nurturing and rich environment, building a joy of learning and a sense of responsibility in the role the child plays in his or her education.​

Who was Maria Montessori?

Maria Montessori

Born in 1870 in Italy, Maria Montessori knew she would make an impact on the world. With her parent's encouragement, Maria began studying to become an engineer, something that was not encouraged of a young woman of that era. The educational experience that Maria received at the engineering school so dismayed her that it became a model of what not to do.Instead Maria decided to become a doctor and became Italy's first woman doctor. It was while performing her duties as a doctor that Maria realized that children needed to be educated. So she set up schools for working class children in some of the poorest sections of Rome. Her ground-breaking methods and approach to childhood education earned Dr. Maria Montessori three Nobel Peace Prize nominations.The Montessori approach reveals that your child has a natural curiosity and love of physical and intellectual work. This is based on the child's need to learn by doing, therefore work is accomplished at the child's pace. We have a profound respect for children as individual's and as someone with his or her own unique personality. Our teachers focus on each child individually, and are trained to guide your child in his or her own path of development.

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Montessori Academy of Upland.

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Tel: 909-931-0511



934 N. Mountain Ave. Suite E

Upland, CA 91786

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